Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Latest reads

Since joining the library I've taken to browse their shelves in alphabetical order. I'm now done through B, tomorrow I'll attack C. (How James Thurber snuck in there I have no idea...)

Louis de Bernieres, Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord

Ah yes, Latin magic realism, just the way I like it! The author have also written Corelli's Mandolin so he's not unheard of, although his name didn't ring a bell for me, I only picked it up due to the title, and I'm glad I did! Apparently he's written two more books in the same style, The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts, and The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman, both of which are now on my to read-list.

Reinaldo Arenas, The Ill-fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando

Another Latin magic realism, another book I picked off the title, although this author I have heard of. He's Cuban, and Javier Bardem played him in the biographical Before Night Falls, but although it's directed by Julian Schnabel I didn't find the movie very good. But his book is!

John Berendt, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

I remember hearing about this book a good while back but then I completely forgot about it. Set in Savannah, it depicts life in a town that doesn't want to concern itself with its surroundings, and that necessarily leads to inbreed, belly button-watching and provincial insularity (tautology?). In other words, not a world in which I would like to partake, but very enjoyable to read about!

James Thurber, The Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze

A short story collection from the 50s or so, supposedly funny, but I think humor has changed a bit since. Some of the stories made me chuckle, one outright laugh, but too many left me too empty for it to be worthwhile.

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