Friday, April 9, 2010

What's in a name?

A whole lot, according to the Kabalarians, a Canadian group I first heard about a few weeks ago. Through March and April they offer a free name report, that tells you who you are and what you should do based on your name and birth date. Sounds like a horoscope but I've been amazed at the accuracy, so I urge you to go there and check it out for yourself.

My own report begins thus:
The name of Filip gives you a very idealistic nature. You find very few who live up to your high ideals; in fact, you do not yourself at all times. Your desire for peace and harmony causes you to withdraw from friction. You are quite reserved in many ways, and as a boy extremely sensitive and self conscious.

Judge for yourself...


bit said...

självklart visste föräldrarna vilket namn sonen borde ha, det blev ju en fullträff. Men du borde även testa Theodor

Filip Tufvesson said...

Det skulle man kunna tro, men deras åskådning är att man tar de egenskaper som finns i namnet och inte tvärtom. Därmed kan jag inte testa Theodor för det har inte haft en påverkan på mig i och med att jag inte använt det.