Thursday, April 1, 2010

Semana Santa

It is obvious that Costa Rica is more religious than either Sweden or USA, the only two other countries I have lived in for a significant period of time. I haven't had classes this week apart from Monday and Tuesday. Everybody are off work and have gone to the beach. Today I went out to run some errands, and all stores except for some grocery stores were closed, and will be so until Monday (which, however, isn't a holiday as it is in Sweden). No alcohol sales are allowed during this time, either. Tomorrow the city buses won't even run. The churches have about four masses a day from Ash Wednesday yesterday to Easter Sunday, and a lot of processions to go with them.

At the grocery store today I bought fish and bread, it felt very symbolic. And yesterday I got some candy, so Erin and I could have easter eggs. That, along with boiling some eggs, painting them, and then "picking" or perhaps "pecking", will be the Easter traditions I bring from Sweden. What are the traditions in the US, apart from gathering the family to a feast? I don't even know.

1 comment:

Josef Nedstam said...

Sydney var också helt torrlagt, fast bara långfredagen. Och självklart fanns ett kryphål till de evigt törstiga australiensarna: RSL-klubbarna. Returned and Services League of Australia. Eftersom jag kunde utge mig för att vara boende i en annan kommun än Newtown, Sydney, så kunde jag alltså bli medlem i den lokala klubben för krigsveteraner och bli full den dagen med.