Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl and elections

The onside kick to start the second half was pretty daring and impressive. That, along with the fourth quarter interception that lead to the 14-point lead pretty much did it for the Saints. Good, as I didn't want the Colts to win.

I watched the game at Players, a sports bar inside Hotel White House. The directions said 600 meters south of the cemetery so I walked to the cemetery and then south. Unfortunately I had the wrong cemetery so what should have been a 15 minute walk became an hour and a half. Oh well.

That gave me the opportunity to watch the hullabaloo surrounding today's general elections. General as in both presidential and parliamentary. Everybody were out on the streets, walking, standing or in their cars, showing the colors of their candidate's party, shouting, honking, chanting. Quite the scene, and completely different from any election I've experienced in Sweden or in the US.

Half an hour ago Laura Chinchilla of the incumbent party declared victory, making her the first woman president of Costa Rica. That was pretty much history in the making I was witnessing.

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